PCC is a great college.

In 2019, PCC was named a top ten finalist for the Aspen Prize for 社区 College 卓越. The committee noted our impressive transfer rates, strong focus on improving outcomes for low-income students and students of color, and dedicated services for war veterans. PCC was also a 2017 Aspen Prize finalist.

我们有排名 #1 in Southern California and #2 in the state 在授予 Associate 度 for 转移.

PCC Pathways’ effective use of guided pathways strategies has resulted in outstanding completion outcomes.


PCC’s 2010-11 cohort of first-time college students were tracked for six years. 


A Few of PCC's Bright Spots

47% did not complete a degree applicable English class.

52% did not complete a degree applicable math class 

44% did not receive a degree, certificate or transfer.

20% had not completed 30 units.

Source: 2017 CA 社区 College 学生的成功 Scorecard

We can and must do more.


Close equity 差距 for all student groups, particularly Latinos/as and African Americans.

Our Guiding Principles

  • Stay student-focused
  • Commit to learning
  • Use evidence to change

Helping Students Complete

Our Theory of Change

PCC is using the guided pathways framework to support students at every step of their academic journey at PCC and to prepare them for meaningful careers.
